Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hello friends,

It is a beautiful sunny very cold winter day. I have just returned from church. Franklin and Amy were there with me. I needed to go today,for many reasons.First of all to say thank you to God, for not allowing Harry to suffer any longer. Second to ask God to give each of us minute by minute peace to face the time ahead without him.

Thanks to each of you for the Prayers, we knew they were there,else we would have fallen down, and in 21 days,we each remained on our feet, even tho we felt like we were falling down a bottomless shaft.We recieved between 5 and
6 Hundred friends on Thursday before the funeral service. Harry would have been thrilled. He loved visiting at the funeral homes, he said that and a wedding is the only time that everybody gets together.We can all agree on that.
Thank you for your prayers,friendship and love ,we will need them even more in the days ahead. Each of us are blessed to have been a part of Harrys life. Each in our own special way. I am asking Wes to post this and then to close the blog.
Me and my family pray blessings on you and your loved ones, may God shower each of you with which ever blessing you are in need of. just as he is doing for us.

We love each of you. Barbara,Amy, Wes, Franklin, Marisa, Grayson., Beth, Anne , Nick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you.