Thursday, November 27, 2008

Praise the LORD, we are finally at home. we both had a good nites sleep in our own bed.home health will be here on FFriday to check on blood work and other issues that will need to be addressed in the days ahead.this is a time of adjustment for all of us. harry is struggling with emotion, and finds it difficult to talk with those that are close to him, which is very understandable. so for now, I ask that you hold the calls and visits for a short time. cards are great and so is e mail. of course THE for sure the best...We all need time to plan and absorb the last 2 weeks ,I know that you understand. Thanks for your love, and for the prayers. God is holding Harry and our family in His Hands and we are very aware of that, we are drawing our strength daily from Him. how else would we still be standing, we were in such a sudden down hill go,now we are looking forward to better day.s...We love each of you, each of you are special to us in your own special way..some new friends,and some lifetime friends..Hugs and kisses to each of you, and on this thanksgiving day,,,we return to you the blessings that you have been sending to us...Barbara and Harry.


Anonymous said...

Harry, we are so glad that you have returned home. We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

Get well soon and we will be keeping you in our prayers.

Betty & Benny

Anonymous said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! from Kansas. I am so glad to read you are home. I praise God that even with bad news, it is still not as bad as first suspected. I'll continue to pray that the doctors can remove the cancer. I am glad you seem to have better care than Dad did in FL. With advances in lung cancer there is so much hope you will beat this and return to a normal life. I hope MD Anderson or Duke can be investigated - I hear they are quality hospitals for this cancer. Take care, enjoy the kids and I'll continue to pray for good news. Love, Paul Finnell.

Anonymous said...

We are glad that you are home for Thanksgiving and hopefully enjoying the Vols and Titans victories. We have been together today eating enough for everybody. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob and Carol, Jill, Chris, and family, and Jimmie Faye and boys

Laura said...

Mr. Harry & Mrs. Barbara we are so happy that you were hime for Thanksgiving. YOu remain in our prayers, and we ALL send our LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Barb, Harry, Beth, Amy and Franklin-
There's no place like home...I hope you had the peaceful day you needed. I know there's so much to think about and so much to do...I understand the need to close ranks and take care of one another. So for today, that will be my prayer for you...That you have the courage to fight the battle, the will to get up each day and time to do all those things you ever wanted to do.
Love & and everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hey Papa; we had fun with you today even though we know you were not feeling well. We have had fun at Uncle Franks and Aunt Marisas. We especially enjoyed playing with Harry, Shiloh, Fiona and Sebastian and the nice out door fires. We are praying very hard for you. Love, Anne, Nicky and Mommy

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad; thinking of you today and hoping that the ginger ale is working. I spent 6 hours blowing leaves; did get nicky and harrison to help. Sis off with friends downtown I love you. b