Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello All,

Dad has been feeling sick off and on for a couple of weeks. He went and saw his medical doctor, told of nausea and symptoms and a scan of his gall bladder was ordered. Dad's right arm had also been hurting and was swollen. The gall bladder scan showed spots on his liver. He was immediately sent to Cleveland Imaging, where Dr. Kyle saw another concern, a spot on his liver. We went back to his medical doctor, who informed us that "his lungs did not look good". He hinted to a mass and possible cancer. We were advised to head straight to the ER due to the blood clots in his arm (oh yeah, also found the blood clots in his arm). So, we headed off to Memorial Hospital ER, was admitted after a long wait, they did another scan and found a spot on his brain. Around 330 am on Thursday morning, dad was transferred and admitted to Erlanger Hospital.


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